Wir haben einen Weihnachtswunsch, und zwar dass all Eure Wünsche in erfüllung gehen.Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr wünschen Euch eure Freunde von Spain Sport. Mehr lesen
We have opened the registrations for our basketball tournaments. France, Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Austria, England, Ireland, Hungary, Iceland, Andorra, San Mairno, Switzerland and Bahamas, are the countries that have participated in our tournaments in 2022, with spanish teams from Madrid, Valencia, C... Mehr lesen
Wir kehren zurück für um alles zurückzugeben was Covid erwischt hat:Alles was wir verloren haben geben wir dir zurück - Sport - Freude - Illusion - Leidenschaft - Emotion.Wir laden Sie ein, mehr Information von unseren Turnieren zu verlangen.SPAINSPORT Mehr lesen
We have received a new registration for the International Youth Basketball Tournament, Tomas Sola Trophy 2020. The C.B. Mendillorri- C.B. Valle de Egües team, from Navarra, will participate in the U-18, U-16 Male, U-18 (2 Teams), U-16 (4 Teams) and U-14 (2 Teamas) Female categories. This is th... Mehr lesen
We have received a new registration for the International Youth Basketball Tournament, Tomas Sola Trophy 2020. The Maristes Ademar team, from Barcelona, will participate in the U-14 Male category. This is the third participation with us. Good luck!!!. We will inform for more registrat... Mehr lesen